One of the best investments you can make is to avail yourself of an excellent college education. Technology allows one to acquire an education through online means too.
The advances in computer technology and the Internet revolution have brought about some very advantageous changes to the educational field. Learning is no longer confined to the traditional classroom, and continuing with your education can now be a life-long option.
Education is the Key for Career Growth
With the coming of globalization, job opportunities are growing. The whole world can be your oyster, but being well-qualified is the key factor in advancing in your career. People with a college degree have better work prospects and stand to earn significantly more than those with only a high school education. So, if you don’t have a degree, it makes plenty of sense to go back to college and get it. One of the best investments you can make is to avail yourself of an excellent college education. Check out the various courses that you can take online to advance your career prospects.
Popularity of Online Education
It is not possible for everyone to go back to college full-time, and, with the growing number of online college programs that are now becoming available, this is not necessary either. You can earn a degree from an online college without having to relocate and without interrupting your regular schedule. You can study at your own pace and according to your own convenience. Due to this flexibility, an increasing number of people these days are going in for an online education. According to a survey report by the Sloan Consortium, there were nearly 3.2 million students taking at least one online course in 2005, which is than 700,000 more than the 2.5 million students reported in 2004. The numbers are growing even more with the passing years.
The Sloan Consortium reports that more than 96 percent of the very largest institutions have online programs. Many of the major traditional educational institutions, including Ivy League schools like Harvard, now offer online college degrees. The Harvard Extension School offers 100 online courses in Computer Science, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Management. The Keller Graduate School of Management has degree and certificate programs in Business Administration, Accounting and Financial Management, Financial Analysis, Entrepreneurship, and many more topics.
In some traditional schools, you can choose to complete your course by taking both online and offline learning methods. For example, you can complete a portion of your course by regular attendance, and part of it by taking online classes. At the end of the course, you receive the same degree awarded to students attending full-time classes.
You can also begin a course with an online institute, and then later transfer to a traditional college. Just make sure that the online institute has proper accreditation from a legal regional association. Degrees from non-accredited institutes will be of little use to you in finding employment after graduation. They have no value in the work field and are not accepted by employers.
Online Education and Work Prospects
Many well-accredited, online universities like Capella, for example, only have a virtual campus. They have extremely high academic standards, and in a good many instances, online students have been found to have a higher standard of work as compared to the work of students attending regular classes in traditional colleges. Since online students have to juggle personal and work responsibilities while taking the course, they usually have good organizational and managerial skills, and are high on motivation. These are the exact qualities that prospective employers go for.
Students are also exposed to varied social and cultural interactions as people from different walks of life and from around the globe participate in online college degree programs. This experience of knowing how to interact with different people is invaluable when it comes to doing business abroad.
Recognizing the benefits and convenience of online training, many corporate employers now encourage their workers to go for online college degrees, and offer reimbursements for the tuition. The Research Information and Statistics section of the United States Distance Learning Association states that, “Many major corporations save millions of dollars each year using distance learning to train employees more effectively and more efficiently than with conventional methods”.