Are you looking for school newsletter ideas for your class? The following article provides some interesting ideas for the same.
School newsletters are an effective medium of informing students and parents about the various activities and events in the school. It is also a platform for teachers and students to share their ideas and views regarding different matters of school. It should be informative and have something to offer to every section of readers such as students, parents and faculty. It should also include some amount of entertainment and interactive session for students and parents.
Ideas and Tips
As mentioned above, school newsletter offers something to students, teachers as well as parents. Students are the largest section of readers, followed by parents, and hence should be involved in generating the content. Hereby we list some ideas, which are sure to help you.
Deciding a name for your newsletter can be a lot of fun, if you plan to involve kids in the process. The name has to be simple yet informative. It should clearly depict a connection with the school or classroom. If it is to be designed according to a certain theme, then you can refer to that theme in the name. Whatever name you decide to go for, just make sure it is catchy and invokes interest of the readers.
Following a theme is always a good idea as it gives a consistency to the design and content. Besides, the readers are also informed well in advance regarding what to expect from the newsletter. Some themes you can opt for include interviews of experts, profiles of people, environment, emergency handling, health and nutrition, endangered animals etc. The entertainment section can also be based on this theme.
You can try to gauge the response of kids regarding what they would like to read or write. A typical newsletter includes announcements, events, achievements of students, news articles, informative articles etc. Besides, there can also be an interactive section for readers with activities such as quizzes, crosswords, games, riddles, etc. To make this section even more interesting you can offer prizes for the first 5 or 10 readers with correct answers. The prizes can be associated with school events such as tickets to a drama competition or music recital etc.
These days, you can see a lot of innovation in the formats in which the newsletter is published. With the emergence of social networking sites, many schools are circulating their newsletters on these popular social networking sites. Emails are another popular medium, especially for parents. Using electronic media ensures that the newsletter falls into the hands of parents. However, before choosing any media, you need to consider the age group of the kids as well. Similarly, some parents may also not be comfortable with the idea of online newsletters. In that case, you will have to rely on hand delivered hard copies.
Formatting of the school newsletter should be in sync with the grade it represents. Lower grades can do with colorful newsletters and large, funky fonts. However, the ones intended for parents and faculty should have a professional look about them.
It can be published weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, and should be at least 2 pages and not more than 4 pages long. In case you are short of ideas, you can refer to school newsletter samples on the Internet.