Mottos and slogans are the means to unite students of your class and give them a common voice to express in unison! Read on for some ideas on senior class mottos and slogans.
A class motto is a brief statement that is used to express the beliefs and ideals of the class. A slogan is meant to advertise or promote something; in this context, the ideals of the class. The two words are used interchangeably.
The purpose of mottos and slogans for a senior class is to bring the students together, and foster in them a sense of unity and team spirit. They are the means to give one voice to a group, and give the group a unique identity. Slogans and mottos carry an inspiring message and motivate the students to work together and perform as a team. They create the fever of being and feeling one and spread a sporting spirit. They lay out ideals and inspire students to live by them. They give the students a sense of combined identity.
Class mottos and slogans are commonly accompanied by a class song, color, flower or a mascot for the class. They give the class a personality of its own, and make the students feel united. The symbol (mascot, song, color, or flower) represents the values that the class lives by.
Slogans and Mottos for Senior Class
Our lives are before us.
Our pasts are behind us.
But our memories are forever with us.
We are like stars; we shall shine even after we are gone.
Our glory consists not in never failing, but in rising each time we fall!
Don’t worry about the people in your past, there is a reason they didn’t make it to your future!
It is not about analyzing or criticizing, it is about realizing who you are and what you want.
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. – Milton Berle
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. – W. Edwards Deming
Life brings us tears, smiles, and memories – the tears dry, the smiles fade, but the memories last forever.
The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.
We turn knowledge into action.
Strive for excellence, exceed yourself, love your friend, speak the truth, practice fidelity, and honor your father and mother. These principles will help you master yourself, make you strong, give you hope and put you on the path to greatness. – Joe Weider
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them. – Rabindranath Tagore
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw
What lies behind us, and what lies ahead of us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Freshmen bow down to us.
Sophomores fear us.
Juniors want to be us!
Let us keep climbing even higher; never fearing the step that is next, for our goal is in our grasp, just beyond our hopes and dreams. – Thomas M. Smith
We Rock!!
We have the passion.
We have the will.
We are ready to take on life.
We are ready to strive.
To failures, it’s time to bid adieu.
For we are here, to make our dreams come true.
We are the class you can’t control.
We are wired to win!!
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. – William Arthur Ward
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot
Tips on Choosing Slogans
- The school years have come to an end. In the time spent together, you have created memories, you have acquired so many things, you have grown as a person, you have changed. Try to bring these elements in your class slogan.
- To come up with a good slogan, sit together and brainstorm. Give everyone a chance to give their suggestions. Consider taking help from parents or teachers.
- Remember that the slogan should include your motto as a class, something that represents your ideals.
- Your senior class motto should be something you will take pride in.
- You can consider getting the class slogan printed on t-shirts, caps, or sacks. Plan to wear/carry them on the last day or for a special event. They will also serve as souvenirs for the students.
Take one of the mottos given in this article or base yours on one of these. Choose something inspiring and let it represent your class’ ideologies. You can include something about what you have learned or experienced during the years together. Remember, mottos are meant to be lived by.