Persuasive speeches can be rather challenging. And, when it comes to speaking about sports, the challenge is even greater. There are myriad persuasive speech topics related to sports.
A persuasive speech is meant for persuading the audience to have a specific viewpoint. Unlike ordinary speech where the orator simply gives information on a subject; in a persuasive speech, the orator has a viewpoint (pro or against the subject) and tries to prove why it is right or wrong. Among the different speech topics today, sports is one of the most popular ones. This is because of the hype surrounding sports and the glamor and wealth linked to it. Secondly, we all have some information about sports and are at least aware of even the remotest of sports.
Interesting Sports Related Speech Topics
– Greatest NBA players of all time
– It is necessary to have cap on sport person’s salaries.
– Should college athletes be paid?
– Schools should support interscholastic sports.
– Is World Wrestling Entertainment real?
– Cheerleading is essential.
– Meditations help sportsmen.
– Bungy jumping is not a sport, but a dangerous activity.
– Countries should focus on promoting women’s sports.
– Is online sports betting legal?
– Are fantasy sports as good as real?
– Motorsports are incomparable.
– Which is the best: Badminton or Tennis?
– Is sports arbitrage legal?
– Sports betting makes you a bigger fan.
– Scholarships should be offered for sports careers.
– Sports psychology is a developing field and a good career option.
– Not all successful players are good coaches.
– Is collecting sports memorabilia worth the investment?
– A career as a sports nutritionist is gaining popularity these days.
– Scandals can be avoided in the Olympics.
– Sports is an integral part of healthy living
– Does glamor affect sports person’s performance?
– It is essential to understand the psychology of sports.
– Sports nutrition should be given as equal importance as practice sessions.
– Are nutritional supplements and sports medicine actually needed?
– It is necessary to include more number of rules in rugby league football?
– More number of movies should be made to create sports awareness.
– Sport team names after ethnic groups, religious ideas, etc., should be banned.
– Bullfighting and horse racing should be banned for cruelty.
– Sports is the best stress reliever and reducer of obesity.
– Sports person’s salaries should be based on performance.
– Should shot put and javelin throw be given equal importance as other sports?
– Is match fixing the cause of declining popularity of some sports like cricket?
– Animal cruelty in sports should be severely punished.
– Is cheerleading a sport?
– Steroids and sports.
– Why gambling should be illegal?
– Is umpire salary unfair?
– Athletic scholarships should be mandatory and standardized in all universities.
– Counseling helps in reducing performance anxiety in sports.
Once you decide on the topic, you should read as much as possible on the subject, have a strong viewpoint and only then start structuring your speech. This will boost your confidence and also will be helpful in the question-answer session that follows. Good luck!