The beginning of college can be a very exciting time. However, it can also be quite intimidating. Many college students arrive without knowing any of their new classmates. They need to cultivate a new friend group all over again, an experience they may not have had for years.
Keep these tips in mind if you’re worried about making friends in college. They’ll help you forge social bonds that will make these years some of the most rewarding of your entire life.
5 Clever Ways to Make Friends in College
Keep Your Door Open
You’ll need to confirm your roommate is comfortable with leaving the door open before you put this tip into action. It’s their space too, and even if they aren’t currently in the room, they may not want people seeing inside without their knowledge.
That said, as long as your roommate is okay with the idea, leaving your dorm room door open when you’re not doing anything particularly important is a simple way to let other in the building know you’re inviting them to stop in and say hi.
Go to the Library More Often
Staying in the comfort of your dorm when studying, browsing the Internet, or simply hanging out is tempting. However, you’re isolating yourself from others if you don’t take advantage of opportunities to get outside and explore campus.
When you’re in your dorm engaging in the type of activity that doesn’t involve making a lot of noise and disrupting others, consider heading to the campus library instead. You’ll boost your odds of making new friends by bumping into people you know from class.
(Of course, remember to be respectful of others using the library. Take the conversation outside if you do meet a classmate there.)
Start a Club
Joining a club is of course one of the more well-known ways college students can make friends. However, starting a club may be an even better idea in certain circumstances.
When you start a club, you’re creating a student group devoted to your specific interests. Others who share those interests will naturally want to join. If the current clubs available at your school aren’t ideal, creating your own is an easy way to meet like-minded people.
Attend Campus Events
Many college students overlook just how dynamic an experience college life can be. On many campuses, schools often host events ranging from guest lectures to concerts. All of these are within walking distance of anyone living on campus. By attending them when the opportunities arise, you’re taking advantage of one of the best elements of college life, while also boosting your odds of making new friends.
Get a Job
Getting a job on campus obviously helps you earn more spending money. On top of that, depending on the nature of the job, you may work and interact with other students on a regular basis. This is another easy way to make more friends.
Keep in mind that most college students worry about making friends to at least some degree. This is true even when it may not seem to be the case. Some students behave with false confidence, not wanting to let others know they’re worried about meeting other people.
Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to make new friends in college. Follow these tips, and the experience will be much less intimidating than you might assume.