If you are an aspiring veterinarian then this article on best veterinary schools in the world might be quite useful for you. For being a qualified veterinarian it’s important that you complete your degree from the best vet schools in the world…
A qualified and licensed veterinarian is required to have a DMV (Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine) degree from an accredited school or university. This degree takes 4 years to complete which includes both theoretical and hands on clinical experience. The entire educational curriculum covers treating various problems and disorders of small and large animals. Veterinarians not only treat wounds and perform surgeries on animals but also advise pet owners on healthy diet of their pets.
Best Vet Schools in the World
Because of the importance of safeguarding the health of wild and domesticated animals, almost every country in the world is home to a top-notch veterinary school. The following names provide high quality education, facilities and provide you with excellent career opportunities for students who want to become licensed veterinarians.
University of Glasgow
Established in 1451, the University of Glasgow is one of the oldest universities in the world and the fourth oldest in the UK. It’s regarded as one of the highly acclaimed medical bodies in the field of medical science. The University offers two undergraduate programs; Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery and the Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Biosciences. The graduate courses also have a four-year PhD program which is Master’s in Veterinary Public Health and MRes in Virology. The school also offers professional courses to its students and is also equipped with many animal handling units which helps its students to get the required clinical experience.
University of California, Davis
The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine has more than 500 students involved in the completion of a four-year course of academic study and clinical training. The university also offers various Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in animal health and medicine. The faculty themselves are experienced vets who have cured more than 50,000 animals in their long career. The UC Davis school is home to an excellent research lab and an animal breeding center which helps veterinary students get a better exposure to animal health.
Cornell University
There’s no doubt that Cornell University is one of the top veterinary schools in the United States, originated in 1865 the university is a private school and a federal grant institution in New York. The university has produced some excellent veterinarians, the most famous being Daniel Salmon, the founder of Salmonella. The university has a medical college, a teaching hospital and a diagnostic center within its budget. As of 2011, Cornell University bags the #1 spot as the top vet school in the US and comes in the list of top 10 veterinary schools in the world. The mission of the university is to bring in new methods of improvement in animal health and medicine.
University of Guelph
Founded in Toronto in 1862, the Ontario Veterinary College was moved to Guelph in 1922. The university offers various programs on intensive animal research and getting admission for any of these programs is very tough. There are many undergraduate and graduate programs of biomedical science for students. The Ontario Veterinary college also houses a teaching hospital which treats almost all types of animals. This hospital also provides clinical training to veterinary students.
Royal Veterinary College
The Royal Veterinary College is one of the most prestigious colleges in the whole of Europe and it resides in the University of London. The school offers courses for its students for veterinary surgeons, bioveterinary scientists and veterinary nurses. The college offers both graduate and undergraduate programs and is also one of the very few veterinary schools which has been listed in the American Veterinary Medical Association.
So these were some of the best veterinary schools in the world. As they are the best in the world, to get in you would have to crack a very tough entrance examination. Remember the career of a veterinarian is very tough as you have to be very careful while dealing with animals. Best of luck!