Career test is a great way of assisting children to realize their resources, interests, caliber and the like, and set their future goals in the right direction. Here is an insight into career test for kids.
Career test holds high importance for kids, just as their academic career. It helps them become more focused, and goal-oriented when they actually start building, and choosing the career that reconcile with the qualities they possess. Out of the myriads of career options to choose from, a career test enhances their ability to zero in to the right one, the one well-suited for their field of interest.
The primary purpose of this exercise is to increase students’ self-awareness, in a rational and intellectual way, so that they are well-prepared for the time when they would have to define their real interests, and execute them for their betterment. That is why such tests comprise questions which are based on the students’ skill sets, likes, dislikes, and aspirations, that can explore better depths of their individual lives.
Commonly Asked Questions In a Career Test
- What do you want to become when you grow up?
- Which subject interests you the most?
- What do you understand by the different colors of the traffic?
- What do you think which job will suit you the most?
- What do your parents want you to be?
- Which job you think is the best and why?
- Why do you think the sky is blue?
- Do you like making friends?
- What is your favorite video game, and what do you like the most about it?
- Which part of your house do you like the most?
- What kind of music do you like to listen to?
- Do you know if your country is a left hand drive or right hand drive one?
- Are you aware of the salary scale for different jobs?
- What would you have to do if you want to become a lawyer?
- What is your favorite application in your computer?
- Will you take up a job just for the money or will it be because you like the job profile?
- Which school do you think is the best in the state and why?
- What was the worst situation ever you got yourself into?
- What can you say about the president of your country?
- Why do you think a career test such as this is important?
- What was the best day in your life until now?
- What do you think about being a sportsman?
And so on… The questions in some tests provide multiple answers, out of which a student would have to settle for one. The answers which the kids provide, can help frame an idea about their mindset and perception towards life. Although, it is obvious that at this tender age, most children are not really focused about the future plans for their career, such tests can give a glimpse of their way of thinking.
What To Expect From The Test?
Results of the test involve making the kids aware about the different types of career which will be the most suitable for them. There will be beneficial feedback sessions wherein, the kids will also be informed about the important aspects of the type of career they should or wish to go for. Basic information such as the qualification required for the job, pay scale, growth and future prospects, job security and job satisfaction will be included along with the results of the career test.
How To Make Good Use of The Results?
Results of the career test, as mentioned earlier, provide a platform to give a head start to the kids to follow their preferred aspirations. They can use these results and feedback to establish real expectations for their career paths. With the help of their parents, they can take up different courses or classes related to the career that they would like to go for. Books are also one good source of information and guidance, which can be made ample use of in order to get acquainted with the field of their choice.
Career test for children is generally targeted towards the normal perception and thinking of the young minds. As they grow, these tests will become more intense, and will be based more on the critical thinking skills of an individual. There should be an intellectual and rational beginning when it comes to helping kids to optimize and channelize their resources and abilities in the right direction. And there is no better start to it than a well-organized career test.