Are you wise with words? Do you have the ability to persuade the audience? Then here’s a persuasive speech topics list that will give you at least one subject that you can choose and mesmerize people with your art of persuasion through your next speech…
When it comes to persuading the audience to think in a particular direction, many people can’t really grasp what this term means. However, we are not talking about debating with someone here. What we are focusing on is giving a speech where you have a group of people or audience listening to what you have to say. The term speech is often confused with the term debate. Although these very diverse areas are interrelated, they differ from one another and have separate levels of meaning and implementation.
A debate is an argument where two speakers or sides give their opinions and statements about a particular topic/subject in order to persuade one another and the audience. Whereas in a speech, there is one speaker who addresses his audience over a particular topic/subject and presents his argument. It’s important to choose good persuasive speech topics to grab the attention of the audience and evoke a positive response/awareness regarding the subject. These speeches are meant to present a pro or con, depending on the speaker and the side of an argument. The speaker should choose the side which he/she is comfortable with and present it to the audience with facts, numbers, historical evidence, etc.
If the speaker has assimilated enough knowledge about the subject, he can definitely convince or alter the thinking of the listeners. So if you have a speech coming up in your class and want to talk on some interesting topics, you have come to the right place. We have an article that gives a huge list of topics for students of all ages. Just go through the list and see if any of these inspire you.
List of Good Topics
Whether you are in middle school, high school, or even college, you can browse through the list we have given below. And if you happen to be interested in any of these topics, research on both sides of the topic and then pick just one side to deliver a speech. Let’s take a look at some interesting, serious, funny and even out-of-the-box topics.
Topics’ List #1
- Child abuse facts for parents
- Age discrimination in the workplace
- Crime and poverty prevention
- Are video games good for you?
- Does music affect plant growth
- Banning smoking in public places
- Effects of cell phone radiation
- Cosmetic surgery risks
- Effects of music on the mind and brain
- Help the environment by recycling
- Empty nest syndrome
- Ethical issues of cloning
- How much is too much homework
- Feng Shui for your home
- How often can you donate blood
- Gun safety
- How to set goals and achieve them
- Healing Bible verses
- Nostradamus predictions that came true
- How do humans affect the environment
- Real alien sightings
- How to prevent school violence
- Should juveniles be tried as adults
- How to stop emotional eating
- Television violence and children
- STD testing for sexually transmitted diseases
- Dealing with adolescent depression
- Most endangered species
- Why do men have affairs?
- Noise pollution effects
- Why is reading important?
- Nuclear power advantages
- The power of colors and their meanings
- Pet euthanasia
- Control your life…the yoga way
- Positive effects of technology on society
- Stress: Devastating for healthy and relationships
- Positive peer pressure
- Ghosts are people without bodies
- Problems caused by obesity
- Cross culture adoption
- Reasons against capital punishment
- What not to wear tips for men and women
- Reasons why homeschooling is bad
- Sex education for children. What’s the ideal age?
- Sedentary lifestyle effects
- Body piercings and tattoos for high school students
- Signs of Internet addiction disorder
- Can order of birth influence your career choices?
- Unarmed self defense
- Endangered animals. Is it our fault?
- What will happen if global warming continues
- Movie ratings are not accurate
- Why is family important
- Online dating is risky or safe
- Job related stress and burnout
- Reasons why Harry Potter books are popular
- Teen revolt and you
- Same-sex kissing shown on television – good or bad?
- Swimming lessons mandatory for everyone
- Various birth control methods
- Should sex offenders be publicly named?
- Cure cancer and heart diseases – The healthy way
- Should U.S. adopt the “one-child” policy as well?
- Is Hinduism really a religion
- Stealing bread to feed the hungry is wrong (or not wrong)
- The influence of chat rooms on teenagers
- Strict actions taken against global warming
- Charlie Chaplin was a genius
- Which factors determine a person will go to Heaven or not?
- Is fur fashion or animal cruelty?
- Women should leave the seat up for men
- Reincarnation: Does it hold any truth?
Topics’ List #2
- Abortion facts
- Facts about girls that guys should know
- Air travel and air safety
- Gender roles in marriage
- Are you the next victim of anorexia nervosa?
- How can you prevent plagiarism?
- Biomass energy advantages
- How is glamor affecting our daily life?
- Effects of divorce on children
- How to be happy all the time?
- Common misconceptions about science
- How to stop being lazy?
- The harmful effects of plastic bags
- Names, how they affect personality?
- Ethics important in business
- Urban survival skills
- Existence of life on mars
- Why do happy and optimists live longer?
- Causes of teenage suicide
- Why do we need education?
- Future implications of acid rain
- Why is Internet safety important?
- Homeschooling vs public school
- Eating disorders – a serious problem
- Illegal immigration problems
- Cigarette smoking – Quit or don’t, the choice is yours
- Important values in a relationship
- Prevention of animal cruelty
- Spirituality: The key to problems of our age
- The naked truth about porn
- Can you change your habits
- Parenting – Key to being a patient parent
- Are vampires real? Twilight can happen.
- Dreams: Links between real and imaginary worlds
- idlife crisis for men. What not to buy?
- Childhood obesity prevention tips
- Angelina Jolie for President
- Emotions as blocks or lessons
- Are child testimonies in an abuse case credible?
- Pros and cons of legalizing marijuana
- Benefits/Backfires of Carpe diem
- Role of computers in education
- Censorship in movies is violation of freedom of speech
- Role of emotional intelligence in business
- Charlie Chaplin was a genius
- Save tigers from extinction
- Conditioning hair with weird ingredients to save money
- Should the drinking age be lowered?
- Crazy things to bake or cook
- Urban sprawl: Causes and effects
- Do cheerleaders make sports more fun?
- Water pollution prevention
- Foolproof techniques to keep someone you don’t like away from you
- Waves of feminism
- Is fur fashion or animal cruelty?
- Lying in a relationship is healthy
- Old cheese, smellier cheese tastes better
- Raise money by doing 5 wacky jobs
- Does food exert a role more than just satiating your hunger?
- Reincarnation facts from different cultures
- Should sex offenders be publicly named?
- Should U.S. adopt the “one-child” policy as well?
- What is beauty? What is true beauty?
- Stealing bread to feed the hungry is wrong (or not wrong)
- Are child testimonies in an abuse case credible?
- Strict actions taken against global warming
- Censorship in movies is violation of freedom of speech
- What would you prefer, hot boyfriend or gay best friend?
Weren’t these topics interesting? It can be safe to say that if not any of these topics, you did come up with some topics to work on. And, if you’re facing any kind of difficulty in understanding these speech topics or don’t have enough information on them, ask for help from your parents and teachers. Their guidance, your research and hard work will definitely payoff during the speech.