Internet has become a great source for many activities like searching information, entertainment, communication, banking, etc. Along with the large number of websites for kids to learn, there are also sites which are not suitable for children. Read on to learn about the appropriate educational sites for children.
Internet access to these sites will help enhance skills in various subjects like math, history, language, etc. Whenever selecting websites for kids to learn, make sure that they are colorful and are attractive to the child. However, be careful to check if these sites are suitable for their age group.
Websites for Information Search
How Stuff Works (howstuffworks.com) – This site gives information on various subjects like computers, health, electronics, etc. It also has an interesting things to learn section.
Ivy Joy (ivyjoy.com) – On the homepage of this site, you will find a button for ‘search engine page for kids’. By clicking this button the user will be directed to another page, which has a list of search engines, especially designed for kids.
Ask Kids (askkids.com) – The homepage of this site allows the user to search for information and draw on the page. Children can use this search engine to look for educational content, movies, games, images, etc.
Fact Monster (factmonster.com) – This is a wonderful site for children to look for interesting facts and articles. This site has many sections like mathematics, sports, science, quizzes, etc., for children to explore.
Yahooligans (yahooligans.com) – A cool interface and great content is displayed when you click on this site. It provides a page, which links you to other age-appropriate sites.
Health Websites
Bam (bam.gov) – Bam is a government site and has beautiful graphics to educate kids about health. It has different characters who explain to kids various facts about diseases, nutrition, sports, etc. Kids will surely learn from this website, which adds to the education quotient with its easy interface.
Kids Health (kidshealth.org/kid) – This site will help kids to learn about different health topics. The site is easy to surf and the topics are written in a way that makes them very easy to understand. There are also health sections for parents and teens.
CDC (cdc.gov/rabiesandkids) – Rabies is an acute viral disease of the nervous system, and this colorful and interactive page gives children information on rabies.
Websites for Learning
Star Fall (starfall.com) – This site is helpful for online education and is designed for an age group which consists of children who are preschoolers to children studying in second grade. For preschoolers, there is a section where they can learn letters and the phonetics of these letters. The website also has many interesting short stories for older children.
Fun School (funschool.kaboose.com) – Fun school is a fun site which kids would love to surf. This site has many entertainment games and learning games. The learning games include word play, puzzles, coloring pages, etc.
Primary Games (primarygames.com) – This is an interesting and colorful site. It contains different games for children to learn languages, coloring, maths, etc.
Entertainment Websites
PBS (pbskids.org) – After PBS channel, this is another awesome offering from PBS, which has many popular characters like Barney, Curious George, Arthur, etc. The user can spin a wheel to check out the different characters and choose any one of them. When you do this, a page dedicated to the character opens with many options. For example, if you click on Arthur, you get games and interactive features like music box, tree house, groovy garden, etc.
Fun-o-logy (funology.com) – Introduce children to this site, when they are bored. It has jokes, magic tricks, treasure hunt, wacky facts, and much more.
CBC Kids (cbc.ca/kids) – This site is filled with interesting stuff for kids. It has games, TV shows, videos, reviews, and a wholesome entertainment sections.
Websites for Inspiration
National Geographic Kids (kids.nationalgeographic.com) – This is the Nat Geo site especially designed for kids. It provides children with information about the world. Also, it has a cool clicks section, which provides children with information with the help of PC games, activities, videos, stories, etc.
NASA (nasa.gov/home/index.html) – A treat for children and adults, this is among the top websites for children, that helps to learn about space. Children can learn a lot about astronomy from this site. Also, the site has a news section, which children can use to cultivate an interest in news.
Websites for Chatting
Club Penguin (clubpenguin.com) – There are many sites which have chat rooms for kids, and club penguin is one of the best ones. This is a Disney site and allows children to join different communities. Parents who are curious about the site or want to keep an eye on the type of people their kids are chatting with can visit the section earmarked for them.
Barbie Girls (barbiegirls.com) – As the name suggests, this site is exclusively for girls. It is a cheerful pink color site and has games like dressing up Barbie.
These were some of the best websites for kids which can be safely visited by them. However, before giving them access to these sites, it is a good idea that parents take a quick look at these websites to confirm the age-appropriateness of the site. Do ensure that you install some software for Internet safety. If you want to make it easier for children to access these websites, you can bookmark them in the browser.