The easy scholarships which can be availed by students and adults are listed in the article. One should continue searching for such scholarships since there are many sources to obtain financial aid for educational purpose.
A little bit of research on the Internet should help in finding out many scholarships that can easily be availed. Scholarships are generally considered hard to obtain. However, there are certain organizations/institutions that award scholarships for specific qualities they are looking for in the students/candidates. There is a general perception that only the brightest students are able to bag scholarships. However, you would be surprised to know that there are many scholarship programs that reward certain special skills, not necessarily the academic records. You just have to be persistent and patient to find the right scholarship – the one that is suitable for you.
Grants and Easy Scholarship Programs
There are many scholarships that one can easily apply for. Scholarships are not just awarded to school/college students. Even adults who wish to go back to college and complete their education are eligible for few of these scholarships.
AACT Scholarship: The ‘American Association of Candy Technologists’ (AACT) offers a scholarship worth $5000 to those interested in studying candy technology. Eligibility criteria for this scholarship is just getting enrolled in a college. Candidates who possess prior experience in presenting papers related to candy technology are given a preference over others. The candidates winning this scholarship not only secure the prize money, but also get an opportunity to participate in the study of candy-making process.
Scholarships for Vegetarians: It is interesting to see that scholarships are offered for what a person eats. A scholarship worth $5000 is offered by the ‘Vegetarian Resource Group’ for candidates who are vegetarians. It is also expected that candidates should have participated in some sort of activities that promote vegetarianism in their school or college. It is one of the quick and easy scholarships that you could avail.
Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship: The scholarship is offered to those with unusual hobbies. A person doesn’t have to be good at skateboarding to win this scholarship. However, one has to have a minimum GPA of 2.5. The winner is awarded a sum of $5000, while runners-up (three) get $1000 each.
Pell Grant: This grant is given by the federal government to those who need to pay for their college fees. One has to be an undergraduate student and a citizen of USA to avail this scholarship. A scholarship worth $5500 was given for the year 2010-11. Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is one of the several factors taken into account while awarding this scholarship.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): These scholarships are offered to students with poor economic condition; students who are unable to meet their college expenses can benefit from this grant. Around 4000 institutions and colleges participate in this program.
Tall Clubs International Scholarship: This scholarship, as the name suggests, is awarded to people who are tall. To win the scholarship, men should have a minimum height of 6 feet 2 inches. Women need to be at least 5 feet 10 inches tall in order to get this scholarship that is worth $1000.
Left-handed Scholarship: A scholarship for left-handed students is offered by the Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA. Every year, two students are given a scholarship of $1000 each.
There are many other scholarships offered to students and adults. Military scholarships, the scholarships awarded to moms and dads, etc. are some of these. Competitions for creating greeting cards can also help you win scholarships; winners of such competitions can earn up to $10,000.
There are many easy scholarships to apply for; those mentioned above just provide a snapshot of the important ones. The provide good support for those students who are not able to perform exceptionally well in their studies. Finding money for completing your education can be difficult at times. These scholarships would definitely prove to be of great use for those seeking easy money.