The money that you get through scholarships for mothers can help you in raising funds for your education. Read on, to know more about the scholarship for mothers going back to school.
If you are aware what is happening around you then, you must have noticed that some individuals are doing well, even in this recession time. What is the reason behind the success of these people? Well, the nature of some of the jobs is such that one cannot do away with them. Same is the case with certain jobs that an organization or industry cannot do away with. They also need trained people to do this job. If you are not one of these people, then most probably you do not hold a college degree. You may have discontinued your education for one or the other reason. If financial difficulty was the prime reason for this, then, you should perk up a little bit because there are some scholarships that you, as both a student and a mother, can have.
Scholarships for Returning to School
The aim of such scholarships is to help you in finishing your education by giving you a helping hand in achieving your goal. Here, in the form of these financial aids for going back to school, you have an opportunity to think of a career, plan for it and be financially stable. It was found that cost of education is the main obstacle in getting educated. For a single mother, who is raising a child and looking after her own needs, to pay for college education is practically difficult. If you are such a person and know, if financially backed with a aid such as Obama grants for women, you can get a college degree or career education. Then you should know more about these college grants for moms.
College Scholarships for Moms
Scholarships such as Obama grants for moms have taken special needs of single mothers into consideration. They are designed to pay for child care, a computer and college education. Along with these, college scholarships for single mothers also provide for other expenses such as a computer, books and lodging and boarding making you, to a great extent, free of financial worries. They also recognize your need of giving top priority to look after your child. These allow you to opt for an online study to take an online college degree. Getting enrolled in an online course enables you to be at home, take care of child and receive the education that can help you rise above the low-end and low-paying jobs.
On the other hand, you can also choose to get enrolled in a nearby university or a college, where a course or career education, that you are interested in, is being conducted. The most important aspect of these college grants for single mom is that the first $4,000 dollars, you receive through this student loan is free of tax. The only snag in this scheme is that, you have to pay for your expenditures up front. You will be compensated for these at the end of financial year. If you are a young mother who dropped out of the college very recently then, consider filling and submitting Free Application for Federal Students Aid (FAFSA) to apply for Pell Grant. You can get advice for filling a Pell Grant application from the aid officer at the school or you can contact proper government authorities to obtain it.
The Obama administration has assigned a huge amount ($39 billion) to be distributed as government grants. This has boosted the Pell Grant amount from $4,690 (2008-09) to $5,350 (2009-10). For educational year of 2010-11, the grant money assigned is $5,500. In case you are not able to fulfill the Pell Grant eligibility or the Pell Grant requirements and fail to obtain them, let it not discourage you. There are many organizations and institutes that award educational grants for women and mothers, especially single mothers, to help them to finish their education. There are many career opportunities for trained individuals in every field. Take for example, the field of health care and availability of medical jobs in it. It is estimated that due to lack of trained nurses there will be, at least, 8,00,000 vacant nurse jobs in the U.S.A. alone. Imagine the salary you will get, with an experience of 10 years to back you, in such a situation. Well, apply for the nursing scholarships and make your future secure.