Lack of motivation in students can be attributed to many factors, starting from academic pressure, emotional problems, early adolescence, lack of love, unhealthy home environment, and often even the lackadaisical attitude of teachers.
As a parent, you may realize the crucial importance education has in our lives. However, your child may be reluctant to listen to any of your arguments, thoughts, and ideas. A student disinterested in education will miss college lectures and perform extremely poorly in assessments tests. In the worst cases, students may stop attending the school or college, and sit at home without any concern for their career, education, and life. In order to motivate the students back to their college life and career, parents should first find out the root causes of this lack of motivation. In the paragraphs below, we give you some of the main reasons that can cause students to be demotivated.
Poor Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem in students forces them to quit challenges and accept the path of least resistance. Even if these students try and complete some tasks, they are clouded by many negative thinking patterns that block the flow of confidence in their personalities.
Lack of Love at Home
Home is the first school for a kid, and every student expects a lot of support and love from parents. The environment of a home shapes a child’s attitude in the initial years of life. A home where curiosity and education is given importance will definitely motivate students to pursue academic challenges. If the parents are away from their kids, and are unaware of what their kid is doing in then school, then even the child feels neglected and steps back from taking responsibilities and challenges. After all, parents are the biggest motivators.
Academic Pressures
It is a fact that every student is not of the same aptitude and mental ability. Every one takes time to learn and perform. While many students are able to tackle tough challenges of academic pressures, and perform well in exams, others are unable to handle the pressure. Constant poor performance lowers the self-confidence of the student, and the student will feel lost in the crowd of brilliant students. Parents and teachers should ensure that every student takes a career in the field that motivates him/her to give total dedication. Besides academics, sports and other disciplines must also be encouraged.
Early Adolescence
Early adolescence is a phase between elementary school and high school. In this phase, there is a heightened awareness among the adolescent about his studies and responsibilities. Besides these, behavioral changes in this phase lead to the formation of new relationships with parents, friends, and teachers. The period between 10 to 14 years is marked by all-round growth and an entry into puberty. Students become highly sensitive and form new ideas about their values of individualism and identity. If a student is demotivated in this phase, he/she may fall in the trap of negativity for the coming years of life.
Disinterested Teachers
Often, teachers are unable to convey their expectations to the students, and this leads to a communication gap between them. Also, many teachers have the habit of constantly dominating the thought process of students instead of encouraging curiosity and giving students the freedom to express their thoughts and feelings to the teachers. Such attitude from teachers can demotivate children.
Nothing can be a better motivation for college students than their teachers and parents. Depression symptoms and other problems must not be ignored, and the matter must be discussed with the student with full care and love. If the student feels secure sharing his/her views with elders, then the problem can be resolved easily. Schools should organize motivation activities for students, like games, sports, and competitions, which are essential for the holistic personality development of the student.
It is a fact that a student who is not performing well in studies may perform really well in some sports. Let the students explore their hidden talents. Teachers can also put motivation quotes for students on notice boards, school magazines, and even give the students a project in which they are expected to collect various motivational quotes. Words have power and they can transform a student and make him eager to learn.
There are some other motivation techniques for students, like involving them in activities like dancing, music, etc., that they are interested in, so that they can learn new hobbies and increase their confidence. In students, lack of motivation can be completely eliminated if the parents and teachers understand the kid and support him/her to break any of his negative patterns of thought.